Geographical query
A geographical query presents a complete inventory of book collections in individual parishes. In the search box, you can enter any part of the name of a particular parish, deanery, archdeaconry or diocese. The search engine responds with the suggestions of specific administrative units. Choosing a parish causes the results to be displayed automatically while clicking on the higher levels of the administration limits the selection to the subordinate units and allows them to be viewed in the dialogue list. Thanks to this, you can browse all collections of a given deanery without knowing the names of specific towns.
In the geographical query, the presented results are divided into two parts. At the top of the page there is information about the parish itself, that is, its geographical location, type of patronage, number of books in the collection, date of visit and source of information. At the bottom, there is a list of works that the book collection consists of. Each book is described by the name and surname of the author, the full title and the source of their identification.
Bibliographic query
The bibliographic query presents a list of all parishes in which the selected work was found. In the search box, you can enter any part of the name and surname of the author or book title. The search engine responds with the suggestions of specific authors and works. Selecting any suggestion will display a list of all books by a particular author.
In the author query, the results are also divided into two parts. At the top, there appears information about the author, while at the bottom there is a list of books written by them. Each work is described by the full title, source of identification and a link to a publicly available digital copy (if there is one). After clicking on a given item, a list of all parishes with a copy of the selected work opens. Parishes are grouped according to their affiliation to successive levels of church administration. At the beginning, the dioceses are presented, then after choosing one of them the archdeaconries, and finally the deaneries are shown. Each level of the hierarchy is supplemented with information on how many copies of a given book were located in all the parishes belonging to a given administrative unit of the church.
List of abbreviations
The database presents sources of information referring to manuscript sources and source publications including inventories of book collections and sources of identification referring to monographs, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, bibliographies, and websites from which I have taken the title of the book and data about the author. I present all the sources in the form of abbreviations:
Sources of information
- AAL – Archiwum Archidiecezjalne Lubelskie (
- ADP – Archiwum Diecezjalne w Płocku (
- AKMKr - Archiwum Kurii Metropolitalnej w Krakowie (
- APL – Archiwum Państwowe w Lublinie (
- LVIA - Lietuvos Valstybės Istorijos Archyvas (Centralne Litewskie Archiwum Historycznej w Wilnie) (
- MDDZP - M. M. Grzybowski, Materiały do dziejów ziemi płockiej. Z archiwaliów diecezjalnych płockich XVIII wieku, t. 1 -15
- VUB RS – Vilniaus Universiteto Biblioteka, rankraščių skyrius (Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego, dział rękopisów (
Sources of identification
- – strona internetowa pozwalająca przeszukiwać zasoby archiwów holenderskich (
- BJ – Podstawowy Katalog Alfabetyczny druków zwartych wdanych do roku 1949 Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej (
- CCFR – Catologue collectif de France (
- CGN - Catalogue général des livres imprimés de la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris 1897-1981
- – Dolnośląska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (
- DDB – Die Deutsche Bibliothek (
- DdS – Dictionnaire de spiritualité ascétique et mystique, doctrine et histoire, direct. M. Viller, Paris 1937-1995
- DdTC – Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, direct. A. Vacant, Paris 1930-1972
- EC – Enciclopedia cattolica, com. Dirett. G. Pizzarolo, Citta del Vaticano, 1948-1954
- EK – Encyklopedia Katolicka, t. 1-20, r. 1973-2014
- Estreicher – K. Estreicher, Bibliografia polska, cz. III. Druki XV-XVIII., Kraków 1891 -2000, skany książki: (
- - internetowa baza danych oparta: K. Estreicher, Bibliografia polska, cz. III. Druki XV-XVIII., Kraków 1891 -2000 (
- - a digital library that collects links to the European collections of digitalised monuments maintained by the Europeana Foundation (
- GoogleBooks - Google book search engine (
- Harvard – Harvard Libraries (
- - serwis „Dziedzictwo kulturowe po klasztorach skasowanych na ziemiach dawnej Rzeczpospolitej oraz Śląsku w XVIII i XIX w.” (
- Ignatianum - Katalog Biblioteki Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogiczno-Filozoficznej (
- J. Szady (2008) - J. Szady, Księgozbiór parafialny w prepozyturze wiślickiej w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku, Lublin 2008
- – Jagiellońska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (
- Kapruk – W. Kapruk, Biblioteka marianów w Puszczy Korabiewskiej (Mariańskiej) na podstawie inwentarza z 1845 r., ABMK t. 69, r. 1998, s. 171-398
- KCSD – Katalog Centralny Starych Druków Biblioteki Narodowej
- Kórnik – Katalog Starych Druków Biblioteki Kórnickiej (
- KSD – Katalog Starych Druków Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej KUL
- MDZ - Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum (
- - Katalog zbiorów polskich bibliotek naukowych (
- Pacevicius – A. Pacevičius, Žemaičių kalvarijos dominkanų bibliotekos autoriai ir knygos 1820 metais, Knygotyra, t. 36, r. 2000, s. 290-309
- PEK – Podręczna Encyklopedia Kościelna, oprac. Ks. S. Gall, Warszawa 1904-1916
- Pelczar – J. S. Pelczar, Zarys dziejów kaznodziejstwa w Polsce, Kraków 1917
- SBN – Instituto Centrale per il Catalogo (
- Schuppe – F. Schuppe, Katalog der Bibliothek der katolischen Stadtpffarrei zu Neisse, Neisse 1965
- SPH – W. Witkowska, J. Nastalska, Staropolskie piśmiennictwo hagiograficzne, t. 1: Słownik hagiografów staropolskich, t. 2: Bibliografia hagiografii staropolskiej, Lublin 2007
- SPTK - Słownik polskich teologów katolickich, pod. red. H. Wyczawskiego, Warszawa, t. 1-4, r. 1981-1984.
- T. Moskal (2005) - T. Moskal, Biblioteki parafialne w archidiakonacie sandomierskim w XVIII w., Sandomierz 2005
- The British Library – The British Library general catalogue of printed books to 1975, ed. J. Emmett, London 1979-1987
- ULB – Universitäts und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt (
- Watykan – Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (
- WBC – Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (
- www.worldcat.or - a website that allows for searching the resources of libraries associated in the Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (